Safe Agreement Nz

Safe Agreement NZ: What You Need to Know

When it comes to purchasing or selling goods and services, a lot of transactions involve agreements between parties. However, not all agreements are created equal, and there can be risks involved in signing a contract without proper legal advice. This is where Safe Agreement NZ comes in.

What is Safe Agreement NZ?

Safe Agreement NZ is a free online tool that allows individuals and businesses to create legally binding agreements that are tailored to their specific needs. The platform was developed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) in partnership with law firm MinterEllisonRuddWatts.

The aim of Safe Agreement NZ is to simplify the process of creating a contract by providing templates and step-by-step guidance. This means that even those without legal expertise can create a robust and comprehensive agreement that protects their interests.

How Does Safe Agreement NZ Work?

To use Safe Agreement NZ, you simply need to go to the website and select the type of agreement you require. There are templates available for a range of agreements, including employment contracts, service contracts, and rental agreements.

Once you have chosen your template, you can customize it to suit your needs. Safe Agreement NZ guides you through each section of the agreement, explaining the purpose of each clause and providing options for different scenarios. You can add or remove clauses as required, and you have full control over the terms of the contract.

Once you have completed your agreement, you can sign it electronically using the platform. The agreement is then stored securely and can be accessed by all parties involved at any time.

Why Use Safe Agreement NZ?

Safe Agreement NZ has a number of benefits for individuals and businesses. Firstly, it simplifies the process of creating a contract, which can be a daunting task for those without legal expertise. The step-by-step guidance ensures that all necessary clauses are included, and the platform provides options for different scenarios, so you can be sure that your agreement covers all eventualities.

Secondly, Safe Agreement NZ is free to use, which makes it an affordable option for those on a budget. Hiring a lawyer to draft a contract can be expensive, and Safe Agreement NZ provides a cost-effective alternative.

Finally, Safe Agreement NZ is backed by the New Zealand government, which means that you can be confident that the agreements you create using the platform are legally sound. This is particularly important for those who are unfamiliar with the complexities of contract law.


Safe Agreement NZ is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to create a legally binding agreement. The platform simplifies the process of drafting a contract and provides step-by-step guidance to ensure that all necessary clauses are included. Best of all, it is free to use and backed by the New Zealand government, so you can be confident that your agreement is legally sound.

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