Hodeidah Agreement Wiki

The Hodeidah Agreement Wiki: Understanding the Latest Developments in Yemen’s Civil War

Yemen’s civil war has been raging since 2015, pitting the internationally recognized government, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. The conflict has displaced millions, created a humanitarian crisis, and brought the country to the edge of collapse.

One of the main battlefronts in the conflict is the strategic Red Sea port city of Hodeidah. The port is crucial for the delivery of humanitarian aid and commercial goods, and both sides have been fighting for control. The United Nations has been facilitating talks between the two sides in Sweden, resulting in the Hodeidah Agreement in December 2018.

So what is the Hodeidah Agreement, and what does it mean for Yemen’s civil war?

Overview of the Hodeidah Agreement

The Hodeidah Agreement is a ceasefire deal between the Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels, negotiated with the help of the United Nations. The agreement aims to end the fighting in and around the port city of Hodeidah, and establish a framework for humanitarian aid and commercial imports to flow into the country.

Under the agreement, the Houthi rebels agreed to withdraw from the three key ports of Hodeidah, Saleef, and Ras Issa, while the Yemeni government forces agreed to withdraw from the eastern outskirts of the city. The UN was tasked with monitoring the ceasefire and overseeing the ports to ensure the flow of aid and commercial goods.

The agreement also called for the release of prisoners and the establishment of a joint coordination committee to oversee the implementation of the deal. The UN hopes that the deal will build confidence between the warring parties and pave the way for a broader political settlement.

Current Status of the Hodeidah Agreement

The Hodeidah Agreement was seen as a major breakthrough in the Yemen conflict, but implementation has been slow and fraught with challenges. The ceasefire has been repeatedly violated, and the withdrawal of forces has been delayed.

In early 2019, the UN reported progress in implementing the deal, with the Houthi rebels beginning to withdraw from the ports. However, the situation deteriorated later in the year, with both sides accusing each other of violating the ceasefire. The UN has urged both parties to honor their commitments and called for a political solution to the conflict.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further complicated the situation, with the virus spreading rapidly in Yemen and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. The UN has called for a ceasefire to allow for the delivery of aid and medical supplies, but fighting continues in many parts of the country.


The Hodeidah Agreement is a crucial step towards resolving Yemen’s civil war and alleviating the humanitarian crisis. While implementation has been slow and challenging, the UN remains committed to facilitating the deal and finding a political solution to the conflict.

As with any complex geopolitical situation, accurate and up-to-date information is essential. The Hodeidah Agreement Wiki is an excellent resource for gaining a deeper understanding of the negotiations and the current status of the deal. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key players, issues, and milestones in the conflict, and can help readers navigate the often-confusing landscape of Yemen’s civil war.

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