Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol

The Madrid Agreement and Protocol are international treaties that establish a system for the international registration of trademarks. These treaties provide a harmonized system that simplifies the procedure of registering trademarks in multiple countries. The Madrid system has become one of the most widely used systems for securing trademark protection globally.

Under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, there are some common regulations that govern the international registration of trademarks. These regulations include:

1. One application for multiple countries: One of the significant benefits of the Madrid system is that an applicant can file one application in a single language for multiple countries. This simplifies the registration process and makes it more cost-effective for the applicant.

2. Central authority: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) acts as the international registering authority for the Madrid system. WIPO reviews the applications and forwards them to the designated national trademark offices for examination.

3. Examination of the application: The national trademark office of each country designated in the application will examine the trademark application based on their national laws. If the trademark is found to be acceptable, it will be protected in that country.

4. Refusal of protection: If a country refuses to grant protection to the trademark, the registration may be refused entirely or partially. In such cases, the applicant may have to file a separate application for that country.

5. Duration of protection: The registration of a trademark under the Madrid system is valid for ten years from the date of registration. The registration can be renewed after ten years for further ten-year periods.

6. The scope of protection: The protection granted to a trademark under the Madrid system is limited to the goods and services specified in the application. The protection does not extend to goods or services that are not explicitly listed in the application.

7. Territorial limitations: The Madrid system covers only countries that are members of the Madrid Agreement and Protocol. Therefore, the scope of protection is limited to those countries designated in the application.


The Madrid Agreement and Protocol have provided a simplified and cost-effective mechanism for registering trademarks in multiple countries. The common regulations governing the international registration of trademarks provide a harmonized system that ensures that trademarks receive equal protection in different countries. It is important to understand these regulations when filing an international trademark application to ensure the proper protection of your trademark.

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